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Why Biblically Responsible Investing

Biblically Responsible Investing (“BRI”) is an investment approach that puts God first and seeks to align a christian investor’s goals with investments that are consistent with the moral standards of the Bible. 


At the core of BRI is the belief that God is the owner of it all, including our money, and we need to be good stewards and invest His money in ways that are pleasing to him.  It is important to use our financial resources to bring honor to God as the scripture says,  “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” (1 Corinthians 10:31).

Ray of Light

By investing in companies either directly or through mutual funds, we become owners of those companies and will share in the profits or gains from those companies.  Therefore, we have a responsibility to ensure we minimize the exposure to investments in companies that are involved in any unbiblical practices, such as supporting or profiting from abortion or pornography.


A common misconception is that we can only invest in Christian mutual funds or Christian companies.  Although there are some great faith-centered funds and companies that we invest in, it's not the core of what our clients are invested in.  We take the entire universe of stocks, bonds, and mutual finds and run them through software which applies specific screens or filters.

Our portfolios seek to minimize exposures to companies with business practices and philanthropic activities that don’t align with the pro-life and pro-family teachings of the bible, primarily in the areas of:


·         Abortion

·         Pornography

·         Alternative lifestyles & entertainment

·         Tobacco

If you'd like to learn more about our BRI portfolios, please contact us via phone or email.   If you are curious how your investments line up with your values, click below for free portfolio screening.

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